Adjudicate by SportGeek

IMPORTANT: If you have a version installed reporting as v0.0.3.x or earlier then an updated requires a manual installation. See release note (v0.0.4.330) for further instructions.


Adjudicate is built for administrating the scoring and results at Modern Biathlon, Triathlon, Tetrathlon and Pentathlon competitions. Adjudicate has been purpose built for simplicity and flexibility with a public edition available for download right now.  A licence key to enable full functionality can be provided on demand for free.

View Screenshots of Adjudicate in action (click on image for larger view):

  • Setup custom competitions, use built in templates or create your own templates for your event.  Customise disciplines in any combination to create your own event format.
  • Import competitors direct from Excel or CSV files.

  • Generate results to print or to PDF.
  • Flexible customisation of rules (such as best 3 of 4 competitors in teams to count, best disciplines to to count and so on).
  • Generate fence pool sheets and scorecards of all disciplines including seeded swim, run and combined event heats and 'Hungarian' handicap start.
  • Enter fence results via pool sheet input control and other disciplines via easy grid-based input with helpful warnings prompting that potential errors have been detected and automatic tab navigation.
  • Generate results to the internet or host your own venue-wide wireless web server and show results on display screens such as projectors and large TVs with little configuration and update results with a single button click.

If you are looking for BUCS pentathlon entry system click HERE

About Adjudicate

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Adjudicate has been built from the ground up specifically for Modern Pentathlon and related points-based multisports

Adjudicate has been created by SportGeek to make the job of administering the results at a competition simple, easy and intuitive whilst accommodating the maximum range of flexibilities in competition format.

Adjudicate is ready to download and install now, so why not give it a try for yourself at home?

Licenses to remove watermarks and permit Adjudicate for use at competitions are available on request for free. If you would like to use Adjudicate at your competition please use the contact form on this web page to contact the software developer directly for support.

Download Adjudicate

Adjudicate is now available for download! Please use this for trying out this new software at home; it is recommended to use this version for live competitions by working closely with us to ensure it is suitable (it has been used at a growing number of events over many years with minimal issues and is now mature enough to be significantly more reliable and efficient that alternative methods). Please do feedback your comments and suggestions via the comments form on this web site so that we can incorporate them, wherever possible, into the software as it becomes ready for release.

Please note that, depending on the operating system and browser you are using, you may get several security notices on which you will need to click to continue. In particular, in Windows 8, click "More Info" when the security ribbon shows on the screen to allow installation to proceed.

Adjudicate is a "Click Once" installation meaning it is easy to install, updates automatically and does not change any settings on your PC.

Adjudicate is Tested with MS Windows 11 but will also be compatible with MS Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10

Once installed Adjudicate can be started from the start menu.

Adjudicate can be uninstalled from the control panel's add/remove programs.


April 21-23, 2023
MPA National Championships, Sydney, Australia
Results published here.
MAR 24-25, 2023
BUCS 2023
February 17-18, 2023
Oxford vs Cambridge vs Army Triangular.
April 22-23, 2022
MPA National Championships, Sydney, Australia
Results published here.
MAR 18-19, 2022
BUCS 2022
All heats and results output directly to internet for people to view on phones and other devices (including a paperless prize-giving ceremony), with PDFs put on line immediatly afterwards.
MAY 21-23, 2021
Coffs Harbour Autumn Championships
Used as a backup results system for a small event in Sydney, Australia.
MAR 6-7, 2020
BUCS 2020
Just before the corronavirtus lockdown, BUCS 2020 was able to run. The new paginated results output sent live to projector this included heats and timings as well as final results reducing need for printing and accellerating the event overall.
MAR -9, 2019
Results streamed wirelessly to projector display at BUCS 2019
New functionality enabled single click publishing of results wirelessly to a tablet conencted to a projector for effortless instant updating of results throughout the event.
MAR 9-10, 2018
SportGeek used at BUCS 2018
Again, Adjudicate was used at the British Championships for Students in Biathlon and Pentathlon.
JUN 1-2, 2017
Adjudicate used at EY Modern Pentathlon
Another successful corporate event.
MAR 11-12, 2017
SportGeek used at BUCS 2017
For the fifth year, Adjudicate was used at the British Championships for Students in Biathlon and Pentathlon.
JUN 2-3, 2016
Adjudicate used at Ernst & Young Modern Pentathlon International Event
Teams from Europe competed once more.
MAR 10-11, 2016
SportGeek used at BUCS 2016
For the fourth year, Adjudicate was used at the British Championships for Students in Biathlon and Pentathlon.
AUG 28-30, 2015
Adjudicate get's it's first use in mainland Europe
Adjudicate was used, this weekend in Paderborn, Germany.
MAY 28-29, 2015
Adjudicate used at Ernst & Young Modern Pentathlon International Event once again
Teams from Europe competed, a development version of Adjudicate was used and the lessons learnt have been used to improve what is now v0.0.2 test edition.
MAR 13-14, 2015
SportGeek used at BUCS 2015
Adjudicate was used at the British Championships for Students in Biathlon and Pentathlon for the third year running by two volunteers without previous experience running pentathlon events, there feedback was extremely positive and their suggestions are being included in future versions.
Jan 14, 2015
Pentathlon Ireland Spring Series
Adjudicate's new pool sheet functionality had its first run out at the Pentathlon Ireland Spring Series event at the National Pentathlon Centre in Dublin. The main scoring for the event was done using Pentathlon Ireland's own bespoke system but Adjudicate was used to automatically create the paperwork for the fence; the event organisers report that this went smoothly with no faults to report of any kind. There is more information about the series here
AUG 25-27, 2014
Pentathon National Championships in India using Adjudicate
Adjudicate had its international debut at the 5th Modern Pentathlon National Championship event in Chennai, India. The event went very well; I've located a brief article about it here
MAY 29-30, 2014
Adjudicate used at Ernst & Young Modern Pentathlon International Event
Teams from Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland and Great Britain competed in Tonbridge and Adjudicate again proved flexible and reliable under scrutiny from athletes consisting of accountants, actuaries and auditors!
MAR 14-15, 2014
SportGeek used at BUCS 2014
Adjudicate was used at the British Championships for Students in Biathlon and Pentathlon for the second year running allowing results to over 200 people to be produced within 15 minutes of the final event finishing!
MAR 1, 2014
SportGeek web site goes live
Adjudicate can now be downloaded from the web site!
MAY 30-31, 2013
Adjudicate used at Ernst & Young Modern Pentathlon
41 members of EY staff (in 12 teams) competed in Tonbridge and again Adjudicate provided solid results throughout.
MAR 1-2, 2013
Adjudicate provides results at BUCS Pentathlon Championships
Adjudicate's flexibility is proved at BUCS (The university and college national championships) where results for 134 competitors in Pentathlon and Biathlon are produced without a hitch.
JUN 7-8, 2012
Adjudicate used at Ernst & Young Modern Pentathlon
Adjudicate proved reliable from the outset, providing reliable and fast results for 47, mostly novice, pentathletes at Tonbridge this weekend, including a team competition made up of 14 teams.
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